Thank you for your interest in the Cape May County Clerk's Office Property Alert Service.
This service is the first step in protecting your property. Unfortunately, property and mortgage fraud is a fast growing crime in our country. Scammers record fraudulent documents - like fake deeds - or record fake liens - against property owners. In some cases, fraud on real property is not discovered for years. To address these concerns, and protect one of your most important assets, our office offers this FREE service to notify you immediately via email whenever a document with your name is recorded in the County Clerk's Office.
Please sign up today and protect your property from fraud. It's quick, easy and free. Simply follow the steps below and you will automatically be notified electronically when a document is recorded with your name.
Rita M. Rothberg
Cape May County Clerk
Getting Started
Please Register your Username and Password to begin the registration process.
Confirmation Email
After you receive your confirmation email, please click the link provided in the email to return to the parameter for your alert.
Register Party Name
Register a Party Name and receive alerts when documents are recorded with a matching name. All variations of the name should be registered. For example, John Smith, John A Smith, and John Allen Smith would be entered as Smith John, Smith John A, and Smith John Allen respectively. Entity names may also be registered for an alert. For example, ABC Rentals LLC. Be aware that party names are the predominant index field in County Clerk data.
Please see the county Official Records Public Search page to verify matching party names from previously recorded documents. Click where indicated to launch the search application, then search on Party Name.
OR -
Register Property Information
Alternatively, subscribers may submit parcel data - municipality, tax block and lot for an alert. Be aware that parcel data is not contained in all documents recorded and therefore not captured in the database. The registration of party name(s) is recommended for email alerts. The registration of parcel data is secondary